My Testimonials
What people say…
Claire has a warm, kind energy which made me feel very safe and nurtured during our sessions. Her depth of knowledge and practical insight is helping me to heal on so many levels. I am deeply grateful to her.
As I’ve come to the end of almost 2 years working with Claire, I’ve discovered such a sense of security in myself and my decisions and developed confidence that I never had. She has helped me work through lots of personal challenges and enabled me to better understand the way I think and those around me. She has provided me with such a safe space and kind listening ear and for that I’m forever grateful.
Jess, age 19
I can’t thank Claire enough for the guidance she gave me throughout my GSCEs. She helped me to find ways to cope with the stress surrounding my exams and enabled me to focus on the end goal. Thank you Claire!
Orla, age 16
I really appreciate the support Claire gave my daughter. She helped her develop strategies to manage anxiety that were not only useful at the time but continue to be so. She enabled her to develop solutions she could use and this facilitated a growth in her confidence.
Annemarie, Mother of 2
My son, now nine, did the Safe and Sound protocol with Claire eighteen months ago, just before the Covid pandemic – and I am so glad that he did. At a time when young children have had their routines disrupted and their social lives turned upside down, have had to endure home-schooling by parents and separation from friends, my son has not only managed to stay on an even keel but he has positively thrived both personally and academically. We have seen enormous progress in both his personal relationships and academic scores and I know that the SSP played a part. A year and a half down the line it feels like the gift that keeps on giving and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone whose child is struggling. We are so grateful to have found Claire.
Misty, Mother of 1
Thank you Claire for everything. You’ve been amazing and truly helped me through everything. You opened my eyes and brain to a new way of thinking and have helped me overcome a lot. You’ve given me a safe place where I can talk openly and sleep peacefully… Thank you Claire.
E, age 17
As I was reflecting on 2021, I am very grateful to have met you and for S and me to have benefited from your therapy. Those statements that you shared have significantly helped me in terms of connecting with S. Just sharing this note of heartfelt thanks to you! Thank you for helping us out!
V, Mother of 1
Thank you for opening our eyes and helping us to see a way ahead…
C, Mother of 2
If I had known the impact this would have on my relationship with my daughters I would have come sooner.
A, Mother of 2
Coming to Claire is so freeing. I wish all kids could come.
B, Age 10
I call it ‘The Claire Effect’!
Clinical Supervisor
Claire is very personable and able to get on well with anyone. In the roles I employed her in she worked 1:1 and with groups across a broad range of people, supporting them at a time when they were going through significant change.
Jon Bell – NHS Director
Thank you for sharing the resources, and indeed for running the session. I greatly enjoyed it and found it very thought provoking (and actionable!).
Open, honest, fun, relaxed, informative. Really enjoyed it…
Fascinating! Claire obviously knows her stuff and is passionate about sharing her knowledge. Her workshops are a safe and friendly environment in which to learn, explore and try out new things. Highly recommend.
I loved the workshop and whilst I had been reading (and hopefully parenting) along these lines for a while it was hugely informative and inspiring.
Resilience Workshop Parents

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- Phone07584 650 972
- AddressUnit 3
Ashlone Wharf
Putney Embankment
London SW15 1LB